API Reference


class mido.Message(type, **args)

Encode message and return as a bytearray.

This can be used to write the message to a file.


Encode message and return as a list of integers.


Return a copy of the message.

Attributes will be overridden by the passed keyword arguments. Only message specific attributes can be overridden. The message type can not be changed.


Returns a dictionary containing the attributes of the message.

Example: {‘type’: ‘sysex’, ‘data’: [1, 2], ‘time’: 0}

Sysex data will be returned as a list.

classmethod from_bytes(data, time=0)

Parse a byte encoded message.

Accepts a byte string or any iterable of integers.

This is the reverse of msg.bytes() or msg.bin().

classmethod from_dict(data)

Create a message from a dictionary.

Only “type” is required. The other will be set to default values.

classmethod from_hex(text, time=0, sep=None)

Parse a hex encoded message.

This is the reverse of msg.hex().

classmethod from_str(text)

Parse a string encoded message.

This is the reverse of str(msg).

hex(sep=' ')

Encode message and return as a string of hex numbers,

Each number is separated by the string sep.


Return True if the message is of type ‘control_change’.

The optional control argument can be used to test for a specific control number, for example:

if msg.is_cc(7):

# Message is control change 7 (channel volume).

is_meta = False
property is_realtime

True if the message is a system realtime message.


Expose more of the internals? (Checks, decode…)

Frozen Messages


Freeze message.

Returns a frozen version of the message. Frozen messages are immutable, hashable and can be used as dictionary keys.

Will return None if called with None. This allows you to do things like:

msg = freeze_message(port.poll())

Thaw message.

Returns a mutable version of a frozen message.

Will return None if called with None.


Return True if message is frozen, otherwise False.

class mido.frozen.Frozen
class mido.frozen.FrozenMessage(type, **args)
class mido.frozen.FrozenMetaMessage(type, **kwargs)
class mido.frozen.FrozenUnknownMetaMessage(type_byte, data=None, time=0, type='unknown_meta')



Parse MIDI data and return the first message found.

Data after the first message is ignored. Use parse_all() to parse more than one message.


Parse MIDI data and return a list of all messages found.

This is typically used to parse a little bit of data with a few messages in it. It’s best to use a Parser object for larger amounts of data. Also, tt’s often easier to use parse() if you know there is only one message in the data.

class mido.parser.Parser(data=None)

MIDI byte stream parser

Parses a stream of MIDI bytes and produces messages.

Data can be put into the parser in the form of integers, byte arrays or byte strings.


Feed MIDI data to the parser.

Accepts any object that produces a sequence of integers in range 0..255, such as:

[0, 1, 2] (0, 1, 2) [for i in range(256)] (for i in range(256)] bytearray()


Feed one MIDI byte into the parser.

The byte must be an integer in range 0..255.


Get the first parsed message.

Returns None if there is no message yet. If you don’t want to deal with None, you can use pending() to see how many messages you can get before you get None, or just iterate over the parser.


Return the number of pending messages.


class mido.tokenizer.Tokenizer(data=None)

Splits a MIDI byte stream into messages.


Feed MIDI bytes to the decoder.

Takes an iterable of ints in in range [0..255].


Feed MIDI byte to the decoder.

Takes an int in range [0..255].


mido.set_backend(name=None, load=False)

Set current backend.

name can be a module name like ‘mido.backends.rtmidi’ or a Backend object.

If no name is passed, the default backend will be used.

This will replace all the open_*() and get_*_name() functions in top level mido module. The module will be loaded the first time one of those functions is called.

class mido.Backend(name=None, api=None, load=False, use_environ=True)

Wrapper for backend module.

A backend module implements classes for input and output ports for a specific MIDI library. The Backend object wraps around the object and provides convenient ‘open_*()’ and ‘get_*_names()’ functions.


Return a list of all input port names.


Return a list of all I/O port names.


Return a list of all output port names.


Load the module.

Does nothing if the module is already loaded.

This function will be called if you access the ‘module’ property.

property loaded

Return True if the module is loaded.

property module

A reference module implementing the backend.

This will always be a valid reference to a module. Accessing this property will load the module. Use .loaded to check if the module is loaded.

open_input(name=None, virtual=False, callback=None, **kwargs)

Open an input port.

If the environment variable MIDO_DEFAULT_INPUT is set, it will override the default port.


Passing True opens a new port that other applications can connect to. Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


A callback function to be called when a new message arrives. The function should take one argument (the message). Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.

open_ioport(name=None, virtual=False, callback=None, autoreset=False, **kwargs)

Open a port for input and output.

If the environment variable MIDO_DEFAULT_IOPORT is set, it will override the default port.


Passing True opens a new port that other applications can connect to. Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


A callback function to be called when a new message arrives. The function should take one argument (the message). Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


Automatically send all_notes_off and reset_all_controllers on all channels. This is the same as calling port.reset().

open_output(name=None, virtual=False, autoreset=False, **kwargs)

Open an output port.

If the environment variable MIDO_DEFAULT_OUTPUT is set, it will override the default port.


Passing True opens a new port that other applications can connect to. Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


Automatically send all_notes_off and reset_all_controllers on all channels. This is the same as calling port.reset().


Expose each built-in backend internal API?



mido.open_input(name=None, virtual=False, callback=None, **kwargs)

Open an input port.

If the environment variable MIDO_DEFAULT_INPUT is set, it will override the default port.


Passing True opens a new port that other applications can connect to. Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


A callback function to be called when a new message arrives. The function should take one argument (the message). Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.

mido.open_output(name=None, virtual=False, autoreset=False, **kwargs)

Open an output port.

If the environment variable MIDO_DEFAULT_OUTPUT is set, it will override the default port.


Passing True opens a new port that other applications can connect to. Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


Automatically send all_notes_off and reset_all_controllers on all channels. This is the same as calling port.reset().

mido.open_ioport(name=None, virtual=False, callback=None, autoreset=False, **kwargs)

Open a port for input and output.

If the environment variable MIDO_DEFAULT_IOPORT is set, it will override the default port.


Passing True opens a new port that other applications can connect to. Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


A callback function to be called when a new message arrives. The function should take one argument (the message). Raises IOError if not supported by the backend.


Automatically send all_notes_off and reset_all_controllers on all channels. This is the same as calling port.reset().


Return a list of all input port names.


Return a list of all output port names.


Return a list of all I/O port names.

Socket Ports

class mido.sockets.PortServer(host, portno, backlog=1)

Accept a connection from a client.

Will block until there is a new connection, and then return a SocketPort object.

If block=False, None will be returned if there is no new connection waiting.


Close the port.

If the port is already closed, nothing will happen. The port is automatically closed when the object goes out of scope or is garbage collected.

is_input = True
is_output = True

Iterate through pending messages.


Send “All Sounds Off” on all channels.

This will mute all sounding notes regardless of envelopes. Useful when notes are hanging and nothing else helps.


Receive the next pending message or None

This is the same as calling receive(block=False).


Return the next message.

This will block until a message arrives.

If you pass block=False it will not block and instead return None if there is no available message.

If the port is closed and there are no pending messages IOError will be raised. If the port closes while waiting inside receive(), IOError will be raised. TODO: this seems a bit inconsistent. Should different errors be raised? What’s most useful here?


Send “All Notes Off” and “Reset All Controllers” on all channels


Send a message on the port.

A copy of the message will be sent, so you can safely modify the original message without any unexpected consequences.

class mido.sockets.SocketPort(host, portno, conn=None)

Close the port.

If the port is already closed, nothing will happen. The port is automatically closed when the object goes out of scope or is garbage collected.

is_input = True
is_output = True

Iterate through pending messages.


Send “All Sounds Off” on all channels.

This will mute all sounding notes regardless of envelopes. Useful when notes are hanging and nothing else helps.


Receive the next pending message or None

This is the same as calling receive(block=False).


Return the next message.

This will block until a message arrives.

If you pass block=False it will not block and instead return None if there is no available message.

If the port is closed and there are no pending messages IOError will be raised. If the port closes while waiting inside receive(), IOError will be raised. TODO: this seems a bit inconsistent. Should different errors be raised? What’s most useful here?


Send “All Notes Off” and “Reset All Controllers” on all channels


Send a message on the port.

A copy of the message will be sent, so you can safely modify the original message without any unexpected consequences.


Parse and address on the format host:port.

Returns a tuple (host, port). Raises ValueError if format is invalid or port is not an integer or out of range.


class mido.ports.BaseInput(name='', **kwargs)

Base class for input port.

Subclass and override _receive() to create a new input port type. (See portmidi.py for an example of how to do this.)


Close the port.

If the port is already closed, nothing will happen. The port is automatically closed when the object goes out of scope or is garbage collected.

is_input = True
is_output = False

Iterate through pending messages.


Receive the next pending message or None

This is the same as calling receive(block=False).


Return the next message.

This will block until a message arrives.

If you pass block=False it will not block and instead return None if there is no available message.

If the port is closed and there are no pending messages IOError will be raised. If the port closes while waiting inside receive(), IOError will be raised. TODO: this seems a bit inconsistent. Should different errors be raised? What’s most useful here?

class mido.ports.BaseOutput(name='', autoreset=False, **kwargs)

Base class for output port.

Subclass and override _send() to create a new port type. (See portmidi.py for how to do this.)


Close the port.

If the port is already closed, nothing will happen. The port is automatically closed when the object goes out of scope or is garbage collected.

is_input = False
is_output = True

Send “All Sounds Off” on all channels.

This will mute all sounding notes regardless of envelopes. Useful when notes are hanging and nothing else helps.


Send “All Notes Off” and “Reset All Controllers” on all channels


Send a message on the port.

A copy of the message will be sent, so you can safely modify the original message without any unexpected consequences.

class mido.ports.IOPort(input, output)

Input / output port.

This is a convenient wrapper around an input port and an output port which provides the functionality of both. Every method call is forwarded to the appropriate port.


Close the port.

If the port is already closed, nothing will happen. The port is automatically closed when the object goes out of scope or is garbage collected.

is_input = True
is_output = True

Iterate through pending messages.


Send “All Sounds Off” on all channels.

This will mute all sounding notes regardless of envelopes. Useful when notes are hanging and nothing else helps.


Receive the next pending message or None

This is the same as calling receive(block=False).


Return the next message.

This will block until a message arrives.

If you pass block=False it will not block and instead return None if there is no available message.

If the port is closed and there are no pending messages IOError will be raised. If the port closes while waiting inside receive(), IOError will be raised. TODO: this seems a bit inconsistent. Should different errors be raised? What’s most useful here?


Send “All Notes Off” and “Reset All Controllers” on all channels


Send a message on the port.

A copy of the message will be sent, so you can safely modify the original message without any unexpected consequences.

class mido.ports.MultiPort(ports, yield_ports=False)

Close the port.

If the port is already closed, nothing will happen. The port is automatically closed when the object goes out of scope or is garbage collected.

is_input = True
is_output = True

Iterate through pending messages.


Send “All Sounds Off” on all channels.

This will mute all sounding notes regardless of envelopes. Useful when notes are hanging and nothing else helps.


Receive the next pending message or None

This is the same as calling receive(block=False).


Return the next message.

This will block until a message arrives.

If you pass block=False it will not block and instead return None if there is no available message.

If the port is closed and there are no pending messages IOError will be raised. If the port closes while waiting inside receive(), IOError will be raised. TODO: this seems a bit inconsistent. Should different errors be raised? What’s most useful here?


Send “All Notes Off” and “Reset All Controllers” on all channels


Send a message on the port.

A copy of the message will be sent, so you can safely modify the original message without any unexpected consequences.

mido.ports.multi_receive(ports, yield_ports=False, block=True)

Receive messages from multiple ports.

Generates messages from ever input port. The ports are polled in random order for fairness, and all messages from each port are yielded before moving on to the next port.

If yield_ports=True, (port, message) is yielded instead of just the message.

If block=False only pending messages will be yielded.

mido.ports.multi_iter_pending(ports, yield_ports=False)

Iterate through all pending messages in ports.

This is the same as calling multi_receive(ports, block=False). The function is kept around for backwards compatability.

mido.ports.multi_send(ports, msg)

Send message on all ports.


Sleep for N seconds.

This is used in ports when polling and waiting for messages. N can be set with set_sleep_time().


Set the number of seconds sleep() will sleep.


Get number of seconds sleep() will sleep.


Yield “All Sounds Off” for all channels.

This will mute all sounding notes regardless of envelopes. Useful when notes are hanging and nothing else helps.


Yield “All Notes Off” and “Reset All Controllers” for all channels


Standard MIDI Files

class mido.MidiFile(filename=None, file=None, type=1, ticks_per_beat=480, charset='latin1', debug=False, clip=False, tracks=None)

Add a new track to the file.

This will create a new MidiTrack object and append it to the track list.

property length

Playback time in seconds.

This will be computed by going through every message in every track and adding up delta times.

play(meta_messages=False, now=<built-in function time>)

Play back all tracks.

The generator will sleep between each message by default. Messages are yielded with correct timing. The time attribute is set to the number of seconds slept since the previous message.

By default you will only get normal MIDI messages. Pass meta_messages=True if you also want meta messages.

You will receive copies of the original messages, so you can safely modify them without ruining the tracks.

By default the system clock is used for the timing of yielded MIDI events. To use a different clock (e.g. to synchronize to an audio stream), pass now=time_fn where time_fn is a zero argument function that yields the current time in seconds.


Prints out all messages in a .midi file.

May take argument meta_only to show only meta messages.

Use: print_tracks() -> will print all messages print_tracks(meta_only=True) -> will print only MetaMessages

save(filename=None, file=None)

Save to a file.

If file is passed the data will be saved to that file. This is typically an in-memory file or and already open file like sys.stdout.

If filename is passed the data will be saved to that file.

Raises ValueError if both file and filename are None, or if a type 0 file has != one track.

class mido.MidiTrack(iterable=(), /)
append(object, /)

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

insert(index, object, /)

Insert object before index.

property name

Name of the track.

This will return the name from the first track_name meta message in the track, or ‘’ if there is no such message.

Setting this property will update the name field of the first track_name message in the track. If no such message is found, one will be added to the beginning of the track with a delta time of 0.

pop(index=- 1, /)

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(value, /)

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

class mido.MetaMessage(type, **kwargs)

Encode message and return as a bytearray.

This can be used to write the message to a file.


Return a copy of the message

Attributes will be overridden by the passed keyword arguments. Only message specific attributes can be overridden. The message type can not be changed.


Returns a dictionary containing the attributes of the message.

Example: {‘type’: ‘sysex’, ‘data’: [1, 2], ‘time’: 0}

Sysex data will be returned as a list.

classmethod from_bytes(msg_bytes)
classmethod from_dict(data)

Create a message from a dictionary.

Only “type” is required. The other will be set to default values.

hex(sep=' ')

Encode message and return as a string of hex numbers,

Each number is separated by the string sep.


Return True if the message is of type ‘control_change’.

The optional control argument can be used to test for a specific control number, for example:

if msg.is_cc(7):

# Message is control change 7 (channel volume).

is_meta = True
property is_realtime

True if the message is a system realtime message.

mido.tick2second(tick, ticks_per_beat, tempo)

Convert absolute time in ticks to seconds.

Returns absolute time in seconds for a chosen MIDI file time resolution (ticks/pulses per quarter note, also called PPQN) and tempo (microseconds per quarter note).

mido.second2tick(second, ticks_per_beat, tempo)

Convert absolute time in seconds to ticks.

Returns absolute time in ticks for a chosen MIDI file time resolution (ticks/pulses per quarter note, also called PPQN) and tempo (microseconds per quarter note). Normal rounding applies.

mido.bpm2tempo(bpm, time_signature=(4, 4))

Convert BPM (beats per minute) to MIDI file tempo (microseconds per quarter note).

Depending on the chosen time signature a bar contains a different number of beats. These beats are multiples/fractions of a quarter note, thus the returned BPM depend on the time signature. Normal rounding applies.

mido.tempo2bpm(tempo, time_signature=(4, 4))

Convert MIDI file tempo (microseconds per quarter note) to BPM (beats per minute).

Depending on the chosen time signature a bar contains a different number of beats. The beats are multiples/fractions of a quarter note, thus the returned tempo depends on the time signature denominator.


Returns a MidiTrack object with all messages from all tracks.

The messages are returned in playback order with delta times as if they were all in one track.



Read sysex messages from SYX file.

Returns a list of sysex messages.

This handles both the text (hexadecimal) and binary formats. Messages other than sysex will be ignored. Raises ValueError if file is plain text and byte is not a 2-digit hex number.

mido.syx.write_syx_file(filename, messages, plaintext=False)

Write sysex messages to a SYX file.

Messages other than sysex will be skipped.

By default this will write the binary format. Pass plaintext=True to write the plain text format (hex encoded ASCII text).